Hello, don`t quite know what to say to describe myself! I guess you`ll just have to get to know me but I`m chatty, easy-going and I`d like to think I`m fun to be around.
Hello and welcome; my name`s Kate and I`d love to know yours. I`d like you to know that I`m looking for someone in my area, which is Antrim. I`ve joined this site to find a anyone that`s up for a laugh that might turn out to be my perfect match. Most of the time I`m quite easy going – unless of course I`m having a difficult day, which is when you might see me as something slightly different. I would say my body is pretty skinny and I suppose you`d consider me attractive enough. When I have free time on my hands, I love to spend it indulging in one of my hobbies, from: socialising