Annia, Born 1982, From Bradford, Yorkshire

hi I’m Annia, a student at Bradford and looking for a fun person to talk to. I’m a student so im supposedly intelligent! I love to have a good time.. I’m looking for someone who knows how to have fun and doesn’t take life to seriously but also honest!

people say I’m friendly, honest and open. I will be able to cheer you or be there if you just want to have a laugh.I enjoy anything that is fun! More often than not some one who can make a fool out of themselves and to care about it will always make me smile.. I’m passionate about my family, friends and future. If i had one day left  i’d go and visit  family that I havent seen for a long time. I’d let people know that i care. I would also go bungee jumping coz its one of my dreams..

I do kickboxing and  work in a pub so I get to meet lots of people. I’m also really interested in foreign films. I love going to a club and then spending some time with someone special where we can talk and really be alone. My favourite day out would be going to a theme park.I feel most comfortable when i’m out with my friends or someone I care about.
whatever feels right at the time.

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